MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Last week; 21, 22 and 23 of January. My friend doy, pah and i went to Langkawi for our  next cuticuti Malaysia destination. This is my first time stepped on this island. Also, Langkawi is one of my place to visit in my wishlist. I'm glad now i've been able to be here after almost 4 years study in UniMAP. Seberang laut je pon. Hehehehe. Takde rezeki before. La ni dah ade. Layan.

Dataran Lang
Taman Lagenda
So, first place cik pah bawak kami pi Taman Lagenda and Dataran Lang. Nice view. Dataran Lang is where eagle monument was located. He's so popular okayh. If datang Langkawi, this is the most favourite spot to visit. Wajib. Taman Lagenda is kind of a park and jogging spot. Pemandangan indah and suasana nyaman. But a bit sunyi la. If y'all nak amik pic kawen here seriously twas very nice! hehe.
Harbour Park

Cable Car Station

Telaga Tujuh

View from Gunung Machincang
The next day, we went to Telaga Tujuh and Gunung Machincang where Malaysian most famous cable car was located. Panjang giler kot beratur mase tunggu turn nak naek cable car tu. Huhu. Same goes to Telaga Tujuh. We have to climb up the stairs for almost half an hour before we reached first telaga! First telaga y'all!!! Lagi 6 we've to die first before berangan nak pegi k. Hahaha.
Buffalo Park
After that, we all pegi Buffalo Park. Sebab cik pah kite nak amik waste sample for her FYP. Layan. I ate ice cream made from buffalo milk. Yuckk! Hehehe tapi sedap la.Nice. Kalo nak datang sini y'all kene bawak kanakkanak. Baru happening. Kalo kite orang tua je yang datang takde maknenye aku nak tengok kerbau. Hehehehe.
Air Terjun Temurun

Pantai Pasir Tengkorak

Jelmaan Mahsuri
Third day kat Langkawi, we went to every pantai yang ade kat Langkawi. And i amik kesempatan untuk mengutip pasirpasir di setiap pantai as my collection. Hehehe. Takde keje kan. Tapi tu je la cara yang saye bley buat sebagai kenangan. We all pegi Pantai Pasir Tengkorak, Pantai Pasir Hitam and Pantai Tanjung Rhu. Air terjun Temurun pon kami redah juge. Chantek!!!

Our last destination is Rumah Mahsuri. Nothing much there. Just a museum about Mahsuri. Her makam. Rumah. Telaga. Just sedekahkan Al-Fatihah to Almarhamah Mahsuri. I like history but about Mahsuri dont know why i tak begitu berminat. Huhuhuhu. Maybe her story is not too thrill kot. Papepon. I'm glad dah pusing satu pulau selama 4 hari 3 malam. Huhuhu.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gunung Jerai

Today I went to Gunung Jerai. The scenery was very beautiful. And, most important is flowers there were colourful, fresh and sangat chantek! Feels like I’m Alice in Wonderland cuz I love flowers! Hehehe. Nothing much up there. Just a hotel and park. Jalanjalan pon tak puas sangat la. But the environment sangat nyaman dan dingin. Well, atas gunung kot. That’s all I think to describe about my cuticuti Malaysia kali nie.