MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Abah Masok Hospital Oi!

There’s lot of stories during this sem break. Tapi xlarat nak crite kot huhu. Btw…my dad msuk sepital. But evrything is ok huhu. Smgu gak la kau kampung kat sepital. Kronologi cerita nie…in the morning aku pergi la keje macam bese. But then my dad call. He said he got his back pain once again. And asked me to went home early cuz he cant stand it anymore. So I hurry up tinggalkan segala kerja yang ada. Balik rumah. Then I drove him to Klinik Zohar at Segamat. Before entered the clinic, I asked my dad. Can u walk by yourself? He said yes. Cuz I need to parking the car somewhere safer. But suddenly he fell. Haiya! Tkejot saye! Menangis kat situ jugak di buatnye. Then after register and all. The doctor pon panggil my dad masuk. And he said. He cant help but my dad need to be transferred to Hospital Segamat. I cant managed myself anymore. Crying heavily kat situ jugak huhu. First time kot. My dad tak penah macam ni before. I called my sis. Told her that our dad masuk hospital. Then ini la hasilnye. Teman my dad for 1 week. Huhu love you abah!

Abah di hospital.

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