MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Semangat Yang Hilang

There's so many bad things happen in my life this few days. Still no updates pasal my interview. Today, I called 'em because couldn't wait anymore. Mr Shah said "eh HR don't call you yet eh?" And I said "nope, xde pun." Then he said he'll tell the HR to call me. I don't know why he don't want to say it straight away. Maybe he don't want to tell me the berite buruk from his mouth. I also contact Mr Fauzi to ask about my application status. However, he also don't reply me. So sad la. From the situation I know la that I'm not a successful candidate. Felt like crying but hurmmm what for. Just accept it and wait for another opportunity.
Arwah Puteh.
And today, our cat; Puteh died. So sudden. And this made me cry. In the office. I cannot stand it anymore. My heart hurt. Puteh. He's now gone. Even though I'm not the one who kept him but seriously. I feel bad. Sad. And I miss him so much. He's a nice cute cat. Ughhhh even now I felt like want to cry. Again!!! Hope one day, I can keep a cat like him and arwah Tompel once again.

Next thing that make me moody along this week is cannot balik kampung. I'm feeling so lonely. This weekend is Christmas. On Sunday. So, confirm la isnin tu cuti. Ape plan pon tak tau. Maybe staying at home. Or attend Kak Muai's engagement. Staying at her home is the best choice for now. Since I don't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with. Lagipun if I stay with her boleh jimat duit makan. Hahahaha ade niat lain. Celaka! Hurm. Bored la. Haiyo. I want my boyfriend stay close with me. Aku nak dating tiap-tiap malam! Wuaaaaa sedih!

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