MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Monday, September 5, 2011

Western Digital In Memory.

First day in Penang!
Started from June 1, 2011 until September 1, 2011, my new life begin in Penang. Working as attachment technician in Western Digital Media (M) Sdn Bhd for 3 months under partnership programme. So many wonderful moments created, with new friends, new experiences and the most important thing is new income. Heheh. Quite a lot for a newbie like me. WD provide the hostel and transportation. Sangat menjimatkan! Hihihi. The gaji is totally for our own self. Best! 

Pesta durian kat Balik Pulau. weee! Makan durian sampai muntah!

Picnic dengan geng lube kat Sg. Sedim.
But. We have to sacrifice our Raya this year. We have to attend work during raya. Sedih but it's ok la. As for me, experience is all that matter. And money oso. In this case only ha. Because I really need to earn as much as possible money to live life. Huhuhu macam sadis je. Below is my suka suki kehidupan in Penang specifically in WD.

First day Raya.

Xde keje melepak ler. Hihihi.

Pagi raya ke-2.

Lepak tepi pantai lepas balik kerja.

Raya rumah Ilya. Weeee!

Gedikgedik pagi raya.

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