MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Monday, October 24, 2011

Melaka Dengan Lebah?

Today I went to Melaka with my beloved dearest sweetheart Mr. Bee. Hehe so happy! Even though at that time I'm quite pemalas to say a word. Tengah takde mood nak bercakap or the major reason is because I'm hungry. The secret recipe of me is never talk, negotiate or cari pasal with me during I'm hungry. Sebab. Saye akan mengamuk sooooo easily. Hahahaha. Masa tengah drive my bee sangat tensi because of traffic jammed around Bandar Hilir. See his face below. Macam belacan kan? Hohoho.

Then, we ate lunch and toured around Bukit St. John. Took some pictures. Actually, it's kinda awkward because we both don't know how to pose in picture. Lagipun susahkan nak take picture of us. So, klik asal boleh jelah. After that, we went down to Stadhuys. So hot la Melaka. Haiyo. Then lepak kejap dekat taman around Dataran Pahlawan then we ol balik je. He said we'll come back soon. And I hope during that day, I have at least one ring on my sweet chubby finger. Hehehe. Kite layan pictures of us je la eh. Adios.

The Busyukness.

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