MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ouh Which One Eh?

Lately, sayep sangat tensi memikirkan ape warna tema untuk my wedding nanti. Usharushar kat Pengantin magazine ade colour yellow+green. Tapi my Bee cakap macam Kedah je. Hohohoho. Kedahkah aku? Then, bile fikirfikir balik. Not nice la. Because green and yellow are both strong colour. See? Tapi macam cantik jugak kan?

Then I search lagi dan lagi. Terjumpe combination colour yang nie pulak. Purple+turquoise. Wahhhh!!! Sangat comey! Hehehe. Tapi cam susah jugak kan nak cari material untuk sume nie. Ouh. Please. Pick one for me. Wuaaaa nak kaler ape nie? My Bee senang je. He pick his favourite colour. Yelah. Colour die rare and peliks kot! Hahaha. I don't mind. We both berkulit cerah. Takde hal ah kalo nak pakai orange. Weeee!

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