MaTa MeNCiLeNg Ke BlOg CiK NaDea

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mr. Bee!

This is about how I met my Encik Lebah. He’s the one that had blown away my tears. Love you Encik Lebah. First date with Encik Lebah was at McDonald Segamat. Seriously, I am very nervous. Hehehe. My nieces accompany me to the taman where he’ll pick me up. I’m not ready if my family knows about this. They’ll ask tones of questions. Tak larat nak jawab nanti. T.T huhu. 

Then, tengah lepaklepak at the taman his JLU suddenly appeared. Omaigod! My heart macam nak tercabut je berdebar la kononkonon. Hahaha. Gelabah ayam sekejap. But hey! I’m a sifu in bajet cool acting tau. Hehehe so dengan selamba I open his car’s door. Dalam hati cakap betol ke kereta dia nie? Kalau silap malu je. Hehe. I greet salam. He replied the salam and smiled! Wargh! Saye cair la awak. Hehehehe. Die kiut ok.

We went to Dataran Segamat since we don’t have any place to go. U know. Segamat kot. Apa ada??? Huhu on our way to the dataran. Our song Auburn-All about him berkumandang la pulak. Sweet sekejap suasane. Huhu. He smiled at me. Cair lagi! So happy. But kaver la kot. Hehehehe.

At dataran, we were chatting about ourselves. I pon dah tak ingat ape. After that we went to McDonald. My hunger relieved when I see you la Encik Lebah. So I tak order yang heavyheavy. We chat lagi. Take pictures. Encik Lebah suap fries. Hehehe. U smiled again! Again and again! Haiya. Bahagia! 

See! He has a perfect smile aight?! thehehe :)
Then we jalanjalan around his kampong. My future kampong too. Hehehehe. Perasan! Then we went home. Before he leaves, he smiled and waved his hand. Bye awak. My heart said, thank you Ya Allah. He’s such a wonderful man.

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